The Small StageSmall Milwaukee theatre under a generally friendly microscope.
Hi. I'm Milwaukee theatre critic Russ Bickerstaff. In the past 12 years, I've reviewed over 1,000 shows. I've created this crowdfunded website to preview and review those shows that don't get enough coverage elsewhere. For every $10 in pledged donations I get, I post another blog. I will never post more than one blog per day. This work will be in addition to print reviews that I will continue to write for the Shepherd-Express, which I've been happily committed to working with for over the past 15 years. Big Thanks from the Small Stage to everyone who has donated over the last year. Please help me continue work on the site by donating to the new GoFundMe campaign. Anyone interested in supporting the site in the meantime can do so via Patreon. For more information on that, visit the Small Stage on Patreon. With 320 posts as of February 1st, The Small Stage is currently funded for another 16 blogs. |